Home to Central California's Fishing Fleet

Ventura Harbor is the hub of Southern California's seafood wheel. If it's seafood, and your in Southern California anywhere betwee

Squid, halibut, red snapper, sheepshead, rock fish, king fish, shrimp, octopus and a host of other fish come in through our little fishing port. Even tuna makes its way in from those boats that range all the way across the Pacific.
Do yourself a favor and take a little stroll along the waterfront on just about any weekday and you'll see the fishing fleet at work - well, that's not really true. In most cases many of the boats are out at sea, doing what they do best.
But follow that crowd of seagulls in our harbor to the docks where the fishing boats and tied up and you'll see the bounty of the deep coming up out of the holds of boats with prosaic names like Pacific Pursuit, Challenge, Ocean Angel, Pioneer, Sunrise, and Karen Marie. Swing into Andria's Seafood our go upstairs to Brophy Brothers and you can dine today on what was swimming out in the deep blue sea last night.
Come by early on a Saturday morning and you'll find the freshest fish market on the coast, with fish literally coming in off the boats as you browse. When the tuna is running you can actually purchase the fish while it's still on the boat! Now that, my friend, is fresh fish.
Ventura Harbor is a working seaport, a fish market, a home to the Gentry Eagle, a deep water boatyard, and much more than you think it is. You should come see for yourself.
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